Why Is My Waterfront Home Infested With Centipedes?

Nothing is worse than living in fear that harmful pests like centipedes could invade your home. To make it sound even more terrifying, centipede infestations are more common if you live in a waterfront home.

Centipedes tend to live in moist soil, hiding during the day and coming out in search of prey at night. Like virtually all pests, the centipede bug seeks out water, food, and shelter. Wherever these three elements are plentiful, the pest will thrive.

Typically, a home with a centipede infestation is a home with a water source present, for example due to water damage. These bugs are looking for water, and if they get constant access to water in your home, they make it their home, too.

So, your home can become infested with centipedes because there is a constant water supply, either through leaking water, or inundation from the rain or a nearby body of water.

Keep reading for some intriguing facts about centipede infestation in your waterfront home.


Do Centipedes Prefer To Inhabit Humid Environments?

Centipedes prefer living in humid locations because this environment allows them to flourish. The moist soil and water provide good nourishment to support a centipede colony.

They also like damp areas that are dark and covered with plenty of dirt and debris, but also logs, rocks, and thick vegetation, as these conditions allow them to hide from predators.

Humid places also enable centipedes to forage and even remain active, while a dry setting makes them uncomfortable, and they cannot engage in life-sustaining activities for too long.

The centipede population varies according to region, though. Dry climates will not get too many of them as these pests prefer places with high humidity all year round. So they typically come out when it’s really wet.

For this reason, if you live in a coastal area or beside a body of water like a lake or river, you have more chances to deal with centipedes.

What’s more, some species of centipedes tend to live mainly on beaches, rocky shores, and along the water’s edges in coastal areas. They are halophilic, which means they thrive in a salty environment and can live in locations that have high salt concentrations.

They usually hide among clumps of algae or between rocks washed by seawater, or bury themselves in the sand on the shore. Occasionally they can tolerate being submerged in seawater.

In addition, certain areas of your home will best serve as centipede habitats like basements, bathrooms, and often kitchens, as these places usually have a lot of humidity that tends to attract various pests.


Do Centipedes Like Moisture?

Centipedes are unsettling, they can easily enter your waterfront property as they love being in damp places.

Moisture is a source of nourishment for the centipedes and they need water to survive. Since centipedes lack a moisture-preserving cuticle, they must search for water to replenish their supplies, and to rehydrate and effectively preserve their body moisture. Otherwise, without a constant water supply, they’ll quickly dry out and die.


Do Centipedes Live In Water?

Even though they are continuously seeking moisture, centipedes are terrestrial animals, which means that they live on the ground, not in water. However, surprisingly, centipedes have been found to swim in water as well.

These multi-legged animals live in moist places such as in rotting rods, in damp trash or piles of leaves, under wet stones, or among wet grasses. Once they invade your home, they also head to dark, warm, and moist spots with access to water.



Why Do Centipedes Come In Houses?

Homes with moisture are the primary reason why centipedes invade. As they hide during the day, you usually won’t see them unless you accidentally disturb them.

These creepy-looking creatures only hunt at night and can enter the home through overflow holes in bathtubs, shower drains, or sinks.

You are more likely to find centipedes in your home during the winter as at this time your home becomes a safe and warm shelter for them, and they have easy access to plenty of food.

Centipede infestations typically indicate problems around the house. These pests are opportunistic and will live anywhere that has the right environment. So their presence means that something is not right with your house.

Below are reasons why centipedes infest your home:


– Clogged or cracked gutters

When thinking about our house drainage, we tend to ignore the gutters but they are crucial to keeping your home dry as they redirect rainwater away from the house’s foundation.

When the foundation cracks, it absorbs excess water, and when the warm spring weather sets in, the water expands the cracks, creating perfect freeways for centipedes. So make sure your foundation is crack-free by always keeping the gutters in good working condition.


– Sewer line damage

When there is a plumbing problem, such as uninsulated, aged, burst or leaking pipes, and water gets out of the pipe and into your basement, this creates the perfect environment for centipedes. When your basement becomes wet and humid, it will quickly attract centipedes to your house because they love moist environments.

Damage to the sewer line can be easily detected. You will notice wet patches near the sewer line and a foul smell in the basement, indicating that you have a problem with a leaky sewer line.


– Leaky water fixtures

Water fixtures are the weak link in a home’s plumbing system. A small leak can cause more harm to your house than one that’s extensive and appears obvious. Leaky water fixtures such as faucets, showers, and toilets can become centipede habitats simply because they let water seep out endlessly.


– Storage in cardboard boxes

Cardboard absorbs moisture, and therefore it provides an ideal environment for centipedes. Also, the cardboard boxes stored in your basement are not handled often, so they create a perfect place for centipede infestations, as these pests feel safe hiding in them.

To control this, use plastic storage containers because centipedes are not attracted to plastic.


– Arthropod infestation

An arthropod infestation occurs when pests like centipedes move into your house because they’re hunting other pests.

Centipedes are savage hunters, and their diet includes beetle larvae and also other arthropods. So if you have a centipede infestation, there are most likely other pest invaders, too. Normally, centipedes will not settle in one place unless there is a continuous food source.


– Small holes or cracks in the house structure

As the outdoors can be a source of pest infestation, gaps and cracks around the house attract centipedes. They enter your home through holes that are large enough for them to fit through. They then find any moist areas in your home and establish their colonies.

Inspect your house and seal all openings, for example in walls or door and window frames, to prevent them from entering through these tiny holes.


How To Keep Centipedes Out Of Your Home?

After you have identified a centipede infestation, you need to get rid of these pests.

Below are a couple of tips on how to eliminate centipedes in your home:

– Use insecticides: Spray insecticides to kill all centipedes in your house. This is the fastest way to eradicate them as the chemicals damage the pest’s nervous system, paralyzing it to death.

– Use centipede traps: Sticky traps are ideal for detecting various pests, including centipedes. You can buy sticky traps and place them around the kitchen, bathroom, and other rooms that you think are infested with centipedes.

– Seal all crevices: Centipedes find their way in through small gaps in the home. Check for any cracks and seal them right away.

– Ventilate your house: If you live in a humid climate, place a dehumidifier to reduce dampness and keep your home dry.


To Conclude,

Most likely, centipedes are infesting your home because of the humid nature of your house. They will choose those areas of your home that have high levels of moisture.

To prevent their infestation, inspect your house from time to time, seal all cracks, and use insecticides to keep your home free from unwelcome intruders such as centipedes.