4 Tips On How To Arrange Furniture In The Living Room
When arranging living room furniture, you need to be careful where you place all of your chairs, couches, coffee tables, sofas, end tables, and the TV or entertainment center. Don’t clutter your living room! There should be only basic and matching furniture in it, like sofas, armchairs, tables, chest of drawers. Instead of many cupboards, cabinets, and shelves, it's better to have one piece of furniture neatly placed against the wall.
You want to create an area that is cozy, encourages conversation, and makes your guests feel immediately comfortable.
In order to do that, here are four tips that you should follow:
Create A Sense Of Unity
It is essential that the overall structure of a living room arrangement depicts unity and balance. Both qualities encourage open relaxation and help modernize any type of living space.
To create a sense of unity in a living room, place all couches, recliners, and large chairs parallel to the nearest wall. The backs of each piece of furniture should be parallel to the wall, even if the pieces are not up against the wall. When there are gaps between furniture and walls, this also creates natural walkways.
Additionally, the size of the furniture should match not only the size of the interior but also other accompanying pieces of furniture.
If you like connecting the living room with the dining room, put on a solid wood table and chairs with plush seats. A chandelier hanging over the furniture top will give a friendly, warm light. Thanks to this division, the interior will gain functionality and you will have a sense of order and harmony.
Arrange Sitting To Encourage Conversation
The sofa, armchairs, recliners, and large chairs should be grouped in semicircles whenever possible, facing inward but also facing the TV. If you have a couch, the chairs should be situated along with the couch, on either side. This will allow visual contact and encourage open conversation.
The rest of the furniture should be placed in the background. Ideally, the TV should be discreetly hidden, for example, in a cupboard or behind a sliding panel, so as not to distract guests unnecessarily.
Each chair and recliner should also be kept at least three to four feet apart. This gives everyone a bit of space while still giving the room a cozy, comfortable feeling. Make sure to use chairs that are upholstered and comfortable to sit in. Saying that, dining room chairs are usually not a great idea in the living room, unless you have extra guests over, and have no other option but to use them.
Keep Traffic In Mind
As mentioned above, leaving walkways behind couches and chairs is often a smart way to give guests walking space. You should deliberately mark out "traffic routes", i.e. places that allow free passage between individual zones.
For example, a relatively free passage next to the table should provide a space of at least 20 inches (50 cm), and of course, it’s better if it is bigger. Try not to place the furniture directly at the entrance to the room, as well. Leaving a bit of free space here, at least 35 inches (90 cm), will also allow for the collision-free opening of doors and will definitely be much better and more inviting.
Also, it is a good idea to arrange furniture in a way so that your guests do not have to pass between the television and those who are seating and watching TV. Arrange end tables and chairs to “direct” a flow of traffic that prompts guests to avoid that area completely, if possible.
Make The Room Feel Extra Cozy
Comfort comes first in a cozy living room! Remember that the salon should be primarily a place where you can relax with your loved ones after a hard day of work.
Give up everything that is not ergonomic and invest in a modern modular corner sofa as well as in low footrests and poufs. Poufs offer an extremely fashionable, multi-functional home accent that will be great not only for your tired feet but will also work as an additional table. If you like Scandinavian style, try soft, big floor cushions and cover them with a warm bedspread or blanket.
Place a rug on the floor, which can be a shaggy or a fashionable imitation of leather.
To make a large living room seem warm and cozy, you should create several intimate seating areas within the room. Create several semicircles of chairs and include multiple coffee tables and end tables. This lets large groups of people break up into smaller groups to have a conversation.
In a very large living room, it is worth thinking about separating specific zones. In addition to the seating corner, it can also contain a reading corner, workspace, or a dining table with chairs. If your living room has a large window, put a bench or recliner under it and cover it with soft cushions.
If you decided on a mini-study in the living room, arrange a bookcase on one of the walls. Such an arrangement always looks effective as it adds coziness and a classic feature to the interior.
Use the above tips when creating the perfect living room arrangement to turn your living room into a space that is giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation that your guests will value.
However, your guests are not the only ones who will appreciate a welcoming living room. A comfortable living room arrangement helps create a calm, peaceful atmosphere that will help your entire family relax and enjoy their time spent at home.